I have been trying to blog – forever. I’m hoping this is one I can maintain, because I feel there is so much to learn in this chapter of my life and I’m hoping my learning can help others.
“I was supposed to be a lawyer”
… okay, so that isn’t quite how life turned out.
After graduating from Rutgers University with a degree in accounting, I actually did work in that field for over 15 years, first in Philadelphia, then in New York City with companies like Colgate-Palmolive and Morgan-Stanley. All the time, pursuing my passions for theater and music.
Okay, to be clear – I don’t sing… so I did the next best thing, I was a wedding and event dj – it was the 80’s, I make no apologies!
But not even working part-time stand-up gigs and getting to see Broadway shows couldn’t keep me in the Big Apple post-9/11. Being in the city that day and so far from family helped shaped my decision to pursue a career and a path that wasn’t so much about what I wanted. and more about what I could do to help.
So how does one go from accountant, to dj, to community theatre actor,to stand-up, to math teacher, to North Carolina’s Assistant Principal of the Year to Principal and YouTube vlogger? I’m not sure, but as I learn I will share with you! So please follow along for the journey.